Google Chrome Uninstall Problems

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When you uninstall Google Chrome, it stops you from being able to open any links in Outlook and Outlook Express. This is particularly annoying for Outlook and OE users. I’ve documented the fix below: Restoring Registry Settings: 1. Click Start, click Run, type Regedit in the text box, and then click Ok. 2. Navigate to the following subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.html… Read more »

Old Tech, New Life

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Old Tech, New Life It’s not a crime to want the latest phone, laptop, tablet, or gaming system. They are made to be bought, and therefore consumers ought to be able to enjoy them guilt-free. Yet Earth-friendly techies everywhere are concerned about what humanity’s endless appetite for electronics will do to a planet with rapidly… Read more »

Choosing a Web Design Package

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If yоu аrе thіnking of opеning an оnlinе busіnеsѕ, the fіrѕt thіng уоu will neеd, aраrt frоm the domaіn, iѕ а wеbsіte design and for that yоu will havе tо fіnd а design рaсkagе thаt suits you, frоm a poоl оf web design рaсkаgеs іn the market todaу. At fіrst glanсе it might bе а… Read more »

4 Common Issues with Wireless Routers

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Today, wireless networks are popping up all over the place, allowing people to connect to the internet while shop, or while they eat, and even watch TV. And with the help of today’s technology, we are able to connect at faster speeds, which allow people the capability of streaming high definition movies and graphic intensive… Read more »

Top 5 Contributors to Hard Drive Failure

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Owning a computer is great. They can solve complicated equations, and can be used to design anything from logos to skyscrapers, as well as an escape from reality. Of course, we think they’re the greatest thing around until they decide to break down. With most computers, the first thing to go on them is the… Read more »

Computer Viruses: What are they?

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Computer Viruses are the Definition of trouble All over the world, computers and other devices that are connected to the internet are at risk of becoming infected by a computer virus. But what is a computer virus, anyways? Like with humans, a virus can make your computer “sick”, and can be spread from computer to… Read more »

Home Networking For The Future

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Connect your Computer to the TV When computers were first readily made for the public use, nobody ever thought connecting your computer to your television could be possible. But now, it seems to be common practice in a lot of homes. After all, it makes sense. Why pay for cable when you can watch many… Read more »

Choosing the right Wireless Router

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What is a Wireless Router? It’s ok, that is a valid question. There are still people who aren’t familiar with the ins and outs of the internet world. But there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s why there are people working out there to help you learn. There are two different kinds of internet routers. Wired,… Read more »

Tips and Tricks for Your New Website Design

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Building the Perfect Site for your Business With computer technology dominating the way of life in the U.S., and across the world, the demand for web designers is booming. But not everybody has the touch. A lot goes in to building a high quality website. It isn’t just a matter of making it look appealing…. Read more »